
KBP LOVES: Adventure

I've been bitten by the adventure bug, and its here to stay.

I can't actually say "I love travel!" because lets be honest, I could do without the airport, the packing (I always forget something), and the hopping on boats in foreign places without knowing if you're in the right spot or not (true story!).

However, I do love hiking up a mountain for amazing photos, driving around town getting lost, meeting new people, and trying new foods. Gosh, this whole business is an adventure!

My husband and I have hiked a big ol' piece of the Appalachian Trail, and camped in places like Yosemite National Park, Shenandoah, and more. I'm the kind of girl that doesn't mind getting a little dirty, and I can always get the job done.

As one of my favorite movies, Up!, puts it: "Adventure is out there!"